
Download free citizen sleeper steam
Download free citizen sleeper steam

  • Bartenders are silent listeners pouring drinks at the bar, sometimes you can work in their place and hear a lot of interesting things.
  • Hackers – can teach their skills and unlock access to secret data or areas.
  • Engineers – work tirelessly to improve the living conditions on the station by equipping it with new equipment and additions.
  • Rescue teams – keep order and help in emergencies, especially fires.
  • download free citizen sleeper steam

    During a simple walk around the map, you can meet many characters with their own stories and characteristics.

    download free citizen sleeper steam

    But it so happens that he accidentally ended up in this place and now he has to survive and adapt. His entire consciousness was digitized during his lifetime and transferred to an artificial body after his death. The protagonist is one of the government’s experiments. The action takes place in a distant part of space on an abandoned station that the explorers of space have taken care of and form a full-fledged city that lives by its own rules. It is very important to have strong connections and alliances in this place because they can help you get out of a dangerous situation or even save your life. There are many nearby, both enemies and potential friends. Everyone is someone’s property or a recluse trying to find a job and a living between the stars. A vibrant appearance, Citizen Sleeper is a gritty space adventure where human lives are irrelevant.

    Download free citizen sleeper steam